goodbye, olive and oak

by elizestrydom

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Olive and Oak began three years ago and it’s time to say goodbye. I have absolutely loved this little space – I’ve felt free to share honestly and have been so, so supported as I found my way and tried new things. I have met a bunch of wonderful people and many of them have become real-life friends – such an unexpected bonus!

I’ll still be posting words and pictures in various places:

My portfolio site recently added a blog feature and I’ve already started posting there. It makes sense to have my portfolio and blog in one place, right? Right.

I also created a Tumblr account under the name Twin Rivers. I want to start collaborating on more creative projects – conceptual stuff, documentary stuff, arty stuff – with florists, writers, film makers, illustrators, thinkers. I want to push my photography forward and try working outside the box, y’know? I’d also love to work with brands that like my photos and want me to take similar photos of their watches, wet suits or washing machines. So if you have ideas or just want to meet up and brainstorm then reach on out! twinriversstudio@gmail (you know the rest)

Twin Rivers on Instagram

Small Town Girl on Instagram

Thank you for visiting Olive and Oak and commenting or ‘liking’ or sharing. I hope that you’ve seen my photos and read my words and felt something or been inspired to do something or started observing your world in a new way.

Much love,
